更新:2021-12-30 16:57 编号:8093869 发布IP: 浏览:78次- 发布企业
- 唐山天物彩板有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第6年主体名称:唐山天物彩板有限公司组织机构代码:91130293557658352J
- 报价
- 人民币¥4200.00元每吨
- 品牌
- 天物彩板
- 颜色
- 可根据客户要求定制
- 物流
- 可配送到厂
- 关键词
- 耐磨耐热彩涂板,砂面彩钢卷批发,天物集团彩钢板定制
- 所在地
- 高新区
- 联系电话
- 17731535650
- 400-060-9166
- 18532657162
- 联系人
- 崔景莲 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
- 请卖家联系我
本文仅部分展示,详细咨询请访问彩钢板品牌排行榜www.caitujuan.net进行咨询.天物彩板,功能性彩板定制开创者,专注彩板领域16年。主要从事彩板生产、销售、 加工,全国配送。年生产能力30万吨,服务过上千家企业,销售网络遍布全国。天物的产品定位是:根据彩板的使用环境、设计年限、结构成型及客户的需求,个性化定制,满足客户多元化需求。产品涉及PVDF氟碳彩板、HDP高耐候彩板、SMP硅改聚酯彩板、PE普通聚酯彩板、彩涂铝卷等21个系列和品种。
The emergence of many small color steel plate enterprises, thematurity of the market and the specialization of consumers havebrought unprecedented challenges and opportunities to the colorsteel plate industry. Many color steel enterprises have realizedthat the specialization of consumers will inevitably lead to highersafety requirements for color steel products.
People's consumption concept and consumer groups of color steelproducts are changing. Color steel products have been pursuingluxury and exquisite door panels from the past, and ceiling is apractical demand. Consumers need fast, time-saving and space savingin the use process. Therefore, in recent years, color steel plateproducts have become popular, entering more and more families,whether luxury suites, five-star hotels or ordinary suites,civilian families. Color steel products grow at an average rate of20% - 25%. This provides a broad development space for the colorsteel plate Market in China.
New growth points in rural areas and second tier cities
With the development of urbanization, more and more farmers willbecome urban residents. Suitable color steel plate will be theirimportant choice. Their consumption ability will gradually appear.Improving the living environment and improving the quality of lifeare becoming the urgent needs of urban residents. Therefore, thecolor steel plate production enterprises may as well target themarket positioning at the second tier cities and the vast ruralareas, where great achievements have been made.
product development
High end product development. For some high-end customers,develop high-end products to meet high-end needs. 2. According tothe needs of rural and ordinary customers, we design and providesimple products that are marketable to meet the needs of ordinaryfamilies and users. Three. It is suitable for all types of houses.At present, almost all domestic color steel plate manufacturers,including engineering orders, are customized.
Color steel plate products conform to national industrialpolicies
成立日期 | 2010年06月11日 | ||
法定代表人 | 崔景莲 | ||
注册资本 | 1000 | ||
主营产品 | 钢材,彩涂卷,彩板,彩钢板 | ||
经营范围 | 钢材、金属材料批发、零售;进出口业务*(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动) | ||
公司简介 | 天物集团专注功能性彩涂板定制领域,始于2004年天物贸易,是集设计、生产、销售、加工、配送,为一体的民营企业集团。服务于国内大型市政工程企业,建筑单位,和甲方自有工程建设。工程案例2000多例,服务企业1000多家。旗下有山东钢源、天津天诚和唐山巨铁3家控股子公司。主营业务是工程彩涂板定制,集团年生产能力30万吨,产品涉及31个系列,广泛应用于40多个行业,在高品质彩涂板定制领域有很好的口碑和影响 ... |
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- 彩涂铝卷厂家批发,0.60.7彩涂铝卷价格,天物彩板4,200.00元/吨
品牌:天物彩板 - 河北0.5*1000抗菌彩钢板批发价格,天物集团彩涂卷4,200.00元/吨
品牌:天物彩板 - 净化彩钢板厂家定制,天物彩钢卷品牌批发4,200.00元/吨
品牌:天物彩板 - 高耐候彩钢卷报价,天物集团彩涂板厂家4,200.00元/吨
品牌:天物彩板 - 0.5mm彩钢卷批发,天物集团河北彩涂板品牌真实报价4,200.00元/吨
品牌:天物彩板 - 彩钢板围挡价格,彩涂卷批发报价,天物彩板4,200.00元/吨
品牌:天物彩板 - 单板彩钢板价格,单板彩涂卷生产产家,天物彩板4,200.00元/吨
品牌:天物彩板 - 氟碳彩涂板厂家,天物彩板4,200.00元/吨
品牌:天物彩板 - v760型彩钢板一平米价格,天物pe高端彩钢板定制4,588.00元/吨
品牌:天物彩板 - 河北单层彩钢板一平方定制价格,天物彩板集团4,200.00元/吨